The hiE9200 was a next step afte Siemens EWSD product which provides higher performance, flexibility and offer VoIP technologies. Normally the hiE9200 switch is a core for SURPASS solution but lot of customers use the only hiE9200 node with couple of PCUs (Packet Control Unit) as powerful successor of stable EWSD solution. According to Nokia the hiE9200 supports up to 16 MBHCA, up to 1 700 000 subscribers and up to 250 000 trunk ports.
According to rapidly changing Telecom world requirements the hiE9200 from version to version provide higher computing components density and perfomance options with the same or even less dimensions.
The hiE9200 management and OAM tasks became bit diffrent from EWSD as powerful node and it's IP components can't tolerate the ideology of slow and narrow-wide management via RS232 and x.25 management network.
The on-line alarm monitoring and analysis realized wih correct event routing helps to prevent most of critical situations.
Within our hiE9200 support service we take resposibility for stable network functioning and as well short term recovery in case of emergency situations. Nokia still supporting the latest hiE9200 solution version 5.2 on restricted base but customer can optimzie the expenses and use advantage of unrestricted number of technical requests and faults resolution by reasonable price with our care agreement.
Please contact us by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.